A New Era in Championing Indigenous Voices in Nevada Politics


MEDIA CONTACT: Mathilda Guerrero, [email protected], 808-897-1630

LAS VEGAS, NV — In a historic move to elevate Indigenous representation and impact Nevada’s political landscape, Native Voters Alliance Nevada (NVAN) is excited to unveil its inaugural endorsement process for the 2024 election cycle. This groundbreaking initiative represents a pivotal moment in NVAN’s dedicated pursuit to amplify the voices of Indigenous communities and ensure that their most crucial issues are front and center in the political arena. 

Taylor Patterson, Executive Director of Native Voters Alliance Nevada, said: 

“As NVAN embarks on this new journey of endorsing candidates, we are setting a powerful precedent in Nevada’s electoral process. For the first time, we are instituting a mechanism that meticulously evaluates and endorses candidates who not only resonate with, but are steadfast in advancing the rights and priorities of Indigenous communities. 

“This process is more than just about endorsements; it’s about reshaping the political fabric to be inclusively representative of Indigenous voices. Our goal is to endorse leaders who don’t just speak for us, but who speak with us, and more importantly, listen to us. We are excited to invite candidates who are committed to our cause and ready to advocate for the change we stand for.”

The launch of this endorsement process is a testament to NVAN’s commitment to creating a political environment where Indigenous perspectives are not only acknowledged but are instrumental in shaping policy and governance.

About Native Voters Alliance Nevada: A rising powerhouse in the Nevada political landscape, Native Voters Alliance Nevada (NVAN) is dedicated to forging a dynamic Native ecosystem and fostering political strength within Indigenous communities. We serve as a resonating platform for urban and Tribal Nation voices, guiding elections, molding legislation, and championing tribal sovereignty. Join us in our empowering journey and learn more at https://nativevotesnv.org/.